Friday, 30 March 2012


This morning I received this email from The Universe,

Fear, Hannah, like joy, usually means that you're exactly where you should be, learning what you're ready to learn, about to become more than who you were.

    The Universe

I generally don't read their emails these days but this one I happened to open and it hit the spot. I am currently on the cusp of the final term of my degree and the big wide world is seeming more and more terrifying. Thank you, Universe, for putting things in perspective and making me feel more positive about the impending doom.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012


This is the perfect sunny day song, it's been on my repeat playlist for so long now I'm not sure if I'll ever tire of it. Ahh isn't everything so much better in the sun...

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Mushroom Pot Pies

Today I packed all my things and moved back from London to Kent with my parents. It was initially a financial decision but I've been looking forward to it for a while now. Home comforts feel very welcome. It was my Mum's birthday on Tuesday so this evening I cooked up a feast for her. She was adamant that she doesn't enjoy pies, which I find utterly ridiculous, so in an effort to convert her I made these beauties. 

She was licking the ramekins clean let me tell you! Here is the recipe so you can impress all your Mummys for Mother's Day next week...


olive oil
1 leek, sliced
1 garlic clove, crushed
1kg mushrooms (I like to get a nice tasty selection, usually meaty chestnut ones and whatever else looks good)
1 tsp chopped thyme
300ml cream
1 sheet of ready rolled puff pastry
1 egg yolk, to glaze

Preheat the oven to 180C/Gas 4. Fry the leeks with the garlic for about 5 minutes until they are all floppy and clear and sexy. Transfer them to a big saucepan to make way for the mushies. Fry the mushrooms in two batches for about 7 minutes each until they are all nice and juicy and brown. Put them all in the saucepan, add the thyme and cream and cook on a high heat for 7-8 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.

Divide the filling into little ramekins (or one big old pie pot, whatever tickles your fancy) and cover with a round lid of pastry. Brush the lid with the egg yolk and maybe add some nice little pastry shapes if you're that way inclined. Be sure to pierce the lids as the cream boils up and goes a bit crazy in the oven. Cook for 20-25 minutes until the pastry is golden and delicious. 

I served mine with mash potato, skins all in with milk, butter and nutmeg, and baby carrots, green beans, mange tout and baby corns. It was delicious! Both my parents are pleased I am home. Pleased with full bellies.